Wednesday 12 January 2011

A success story of a A student

- What is your name?
My name is Abrar Othman Saleh Alfozan
- Which grade are you?
3rd. year arts

- Are you an A student?
Yes all my grades are excellent except for Arabic language
- Which subject do you prefer?
English and French
- How do you achieve success at school? Is there a certain method that you follow?
When I study I give 100% of my energy and work with all my heart, because I want to achieve something good for my future. No I don’t have one.
- What advice can you offer to your friends in order to achieve educational success?
I advise them to give all their energy towards studying and to set goals for the future so they can from now work hard to achieve them.
Thank you for your efforts
You are welcome

Reported by: Shaikha Al tememi


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