Wednesday 12 January 2011

Saadiah Mufareh

  • A poet , critic and a writer for almost ten years.
  • Current job ; Art Editor in AL Qabas news paper - Kuwait.
  • Writes weekly and monthly articles in many Arabic papers and magazines.
  • Wrote tenths of poems in different Alarabi magazine and Kuwait magazine.
  • Participated in reciting selections of her poems in dozens of verse gatherings.
  • Published so far ,four verse books (Deiwan) ;
1.    He was The Last of Dreamers. (1st Edition, Kuwait 1990, 2nd Edition, Cairo 1992).
2.    When you're Absent, I Saddle My Suspicion's Horses. (Beirut, 1994).
Book of Sins. (Cairo, 1997).
3.    Mere a Mirror Lying Back. (Damascus, 1999).
  • Won number of verse awards from Arab institutions.
  • Interested in poetry directed for children.
  • Graduated from Kuwait University (Arabic Language & Education) in 1987.


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