Wednesday 12 January 2011

Story ideas

11- Media:
·       Field visits to Kuwaiti media organizations
12- Literature talents:
·       Poetry
·       Story
·       Novels
13- Scientific evolutions:
·       Inventions
·       Modern devices

14- Humor:
·       Jokes
·       Funny situations at school
15- Other school departments' participation to publish the schools
      newspaper (Optional):
·       Provide various topics by school teachers, school administer, and other
employees without exception
16- Advertisement board at school:
·       Publish main ideas and thoughts
·       Publish advertisements
·       Publish the best achievement of participants and non participants
17- Journalists ID:
·       Create and design participants ID for the high school journalism
        education project
18- Publish journalism topics via two blogs in Arabic and English language
 (Maria Alqobtia News paper- جريدة ماريا القبطية ) by BlogSpot:
·       Execute and create a webpage by word press to publish the participants
         work in English and Arabic language

19-Conduct a meeting with the Kuwaiti journalist "Saadiah Mufareh"
and Kuwaiti journalist and writer"Amal Alrandi" and our participants
at Maria Alqobtia high school for girls:
·       First meeting including school director and the High School Journalism
         Education Program teachers and participants.
·       Discuss journalism issues


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