Wednesday 12 January 2011

Story ideas

1- Politics:
·       Sedition
·       National Assembly
2- Social life:
·       Impact of divorce on students
·       Violence
·       How to deal with others?
·       Behavior control
·       Polygamy and its implications
·       Misuse of mobiles and its effects on people
3- Psychology:
·       Meeting with psychologists
·       How to achieve happiness?
·       The importance of psychology
4- Arts:
·       Art galleries
·       Artists
·       Photography
·       Hobbies
·       Handicraft
·       Fashion

5- Technology:
·       Misuse of computers
·       Internet
·       Graphic designs
6- Interview with several personalities:
·       School principal Mrs. Muna Haidar
·       School teachers
·       Doctors
·       Hawally Educational zone and ministry of education managers and employees
·       Writers and Authors
·       Infamous talented people
7- Sport:

·       Kuwait's soccer team achievement through the years and their great victory
         at  the championship Gulf Cup 20.
 ·       Kuwaiti athletes and their achievement
8- School and education problems:

·       Exams
·       School attendance
·       School subjects
·       Homework

9- Languages:
·       Story
·       Vocabulary
·       Songs
·       Sayings
·       Proverbs
10- School updates/ news:
·       Seminars
·       Work shop
·       Honoring students for their good achievement


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