Wednesday 9 March 2011

When the anger explodes!!

The Arabian world had been standing up side down lately , most of its' countries are falling apart , and no one really knows the truth , why it all started in the first place ?
The first move was taken by the Tunisians. When a young man Mohammad Alboazizi set himself on fire Protest from the suffering of injustice and oppression in his country. He died after 13 days , and he never knew that he will set his whole Arabian on fire too .as the Tunisians all remembered that most of them are living a poor life the revolution started . But in my opinion Tunisians had the right to start The demonstrations against their president Zain Al abideen . Because they were suffering from the way he ruled the country. The way he was treating them. So it started on the 17th of December 2010 when every resident in Tunisia went out calling for a new president to rule the country.

The government tried to calm down the conditions in Tunisia but they couldn't. So zain Al abideen expressed his opinion and he tried to calm down the conditions with some speeches. But people insisted to remove zain Al abideen off the country's structure .they didn't give up even though almost 250 people died in the demonstrations. When Al abideen realized there is no way for him to continue rolling the country. He ran away on 14th of January 2011 and first went to Paris but he had been rejected by them so he ended up in KSA. And that's when he Stepped down from the presidency, and that lead them to build a new government Under the chairmanship of mohamad Al ghanoshy , the conditions will stay as it is right now until the next elections after at least 6 months.
What happened in Tunisia pushed a lot of countries to start a lot of demonstrations against their president. In Egypt, Libya, Bahrain, Yemen, Morocco and Algeria. 

written by student Shoug Emad 


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