Wednesday 9 March 2011

Bells of anger

We all know about the recent Egypt's revolution, the whole world was talking about it, but as the matters of fact do we know why the Egyptian people started this Revolution?
Egypt is a country mainly in North Africa Covering an area of about 1,010,000 square kilometers, and the great majority of it estimated 85 million people, but 40% of the people there is below the poverty line, and they don't have food and water which makes them eat from the trashes and people leftovers.
 There's this gap which is keeping on increasing over the years by 42% between the rich people and the poor people. The people who are Beneficiaries from the wealth are about 2% but they are taking over the poor people lands and wealth. In a day the poor people realized how much they are being starving and torchured by the rich ones and they started this revolution.
The revolution located at midan al tahrir. A lot of people were injured. The country used strong water and Tear gas to keep the poor people away but it was getting worse. Poor people started to destroy anything they can reach and touch. Just to let everyone know that they don't want Hosni Mubarak they want him to leave the throne, but nobody from the rich people wanted that. So they send the Special Forces to keep them away but they didn't succeed, the Egyptian people were fighting for their dignity and they succeeded on 25 – January-2011 the revolution came to an end. Hosni Mubarak left the throne, and at this point the future of Egypt has been changed.

written by Student Nour Alsubaie


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