Wednesday 9 March 2011


What's happening in our world today!?  The good people of Egypt did not want their president because of injustice and deprived of enjoyment of their land and eat their money and steal their land! What all this injustice and selfishness that is everyone thinking of himself and just becoming Governor is responsible before God for people and for their assigned and provide their own supplies.  Every day receive God is unjust, good always triumphs over evil ... Then Allah publish victory and joy in the hearts of the good people of Egypt to graduate their boss and his expulsion and tried to do. Yes that Allah unforgettable worship and also touched on this subject and Algeria, Libya, Sudan and Yemen and Bahrain all these brotherly staged demonstrations about their Government and some of them don't want their president.
I can't speak on this subject more because I'm just student  I see injustice, but I can't do anything to them only I can pray  for God to help them.

 Every one need something ask God and he will reply Insha'Allah.

written by Student Aliaa Larry


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