Wednesday 9 March 2011

The current events that are going on in Egypt and the great affect it has on the rest of the world

We are all familiar with the current events that are happening in Egypt. A country with great possibilities but was ruled badly that made its ability to be one of the leading Arab countries sink. Finally the Egyptian crowd had had enough of the way their president Husni Mubarak was ruling their countries that they roamed the streets pulling riots against him asking him to leave the presidency and so another ruler would take his place hoping to make the countries state better that before. The riots kept going on for a while before the president finally resigned from his place and left the countries without a head to lead it. I must say that is a brave move from the Egyptian but did they think of what might happen to their beloved country while it's not being ruled. At this state the country is venerable to any attack or attempt for taking over it. Without a leader to lead them through the way there will be chaos. Even if Husni wasn't that great in dealing with national causes in his countries we cannot forget his great standing on the International causes such as his great help when our dear Kuwait was attack by Iraq. And I must point out to the fact that the Swiss canal is one of the most important canals in the world for it connects the east and west sides of the world and helps in the whole process of exporting and importing goods to each side. This is a very important spot that could affect the entire world if was misused or even worse, if it was taken down and cannot be used again. What the Egyptian crowd should've done is give a little time for the president to clean up everything, not chase him away. Most people think that it is victory for the people to chase him away and waiting for someone else better to take his place but they haven't thought about the fact of the state in-between that they are in. between being ruled by a bad president as they thought and waiting for a new better one to rule them. That state is not having one. No president, no order, chaos and laws breaking as we can see in the news. In the end I must say that I only hope for the best and hoping that what they've done will work out for them and their living state would be enhanced as they so long for wished and hoped for it.
By: Shaikha M. Al.Tamimi.


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