Saturday 16 April 2011

Maria Alqobtia Press team visit to Alqabas Newspaper

Maria Alqobtia Highschool journalism team went to AlQabas Newspaper and journalist Saadiah Mufareh was there and took us for a very interesting tour we thank her alot for her efforts.
our students interviewd several managers of different departements in arabic language:

Breakfast meeting at CrownPlaza

Anindita Dutta Roy (iearn USA) invited all journalists and teachers whom are involved in the journalism project to a morning meeting to discuss how to share and join the professional chat on  which has a great importance which is Elluminate program to communicate with other mepi and iearn members and share ideas and thoughts.

The American Embassy and Iearn at Maria Alqobtia High school

Ralph Falzone, Nesreen Hamimi (MEPI Abu Dhabi), Deborah Hart-Serafini(US Embassy Kuwait),Anindita Roy (iearn USA) , Kuwaiti journalist Amal AlRandy visited our school, and our school principal Mrs. Mona Haidar and the press team Mrs. Hanan Al-araj and students received them with joy..

The main purpose of this visit is to take a look at our latest updates and work towards the journalism project in Kuwaits High schools, during this visit Anindita Roy and Deborah Hart-Serafini asked few questions to the press team about the project and our press team were glad to answer back..

Mrs.Hanan Al-araj presented and navigated Maria Alqobtia newspaper blog, and one of our students presented one of her articles to the guests here are some photos of the visit:

Wednesday 9 March 2011

The current events that are going on in Egypt and the great affect it has on the rest of the world

We are all familiar with the current events that are happening in Egypt. A country with great possibilities but was ruled badly that made its ability to be one of the leading Arab countries sink. Finally the Egyptian crowd had had enough of the way their president Husni Mubarak was ruling their countries that they roamed the streets pulling riots against him asking him to leave the presidency and so another ruler would take his place hoping to make the countries state better that before. The riots kept going on for a while before the president finally resigned from his place and left the countries without a head to lead it. I must say that is a brave move from the Egyptian but did they think of what might happen to their beloved country while it's not being ruled. At this state the country is venerable to any attack or attempt for taking over it. Without a leader to lead them through the way there will be chaos. Even if Husni wasn't that great in dealing with national causes in his countries we cannot forget his great standing on the International causes such as his great help when our dear Kuwait was attack by Iraq. And I must point out to the fact that the Swiss canal is one of the most important canals in the world for it connects the east and west sides of the world and helps in the whole process of exporting and importing goods to each side. This is a very important spot that could affect the entire world if was misused or even worse, if it was taken down and cannot be used again. What the Egyptian crowd should've done is give a little time for the president to clean up everything, not chase him away. Most people think that it is victory for the people to chase him away and waiting for someone else better to take his place but they haven't thought about the fact of the state in-between that they are in. between being ruled by a bad president as they thought and waiting for a new better one to rule them. That state is not having one. No president, no order, chaos and laws breaking as we can see in the news. In the end I must say that I only hope for the best and hoping that what they've done will work out for them and their living state would be enhanced as they so long for wished and hoped for it.
By: Shaikha M. Al.Tamimi.

Bells of anger

We all know about the recent Egypt's revolution, the whole world was talking about it, but as the matters of fact do we know why the Egyptian people started this Revolution?
Egypt is a country mainly in North Africa Covering an area of about 1,010,000 square kilometers, and the great majority of it estimated 85 million people, but 40% of the people there is below the poverty line, and they don't have food and water which makes them eat from the trashes and people leftovers.
 There's this gap which is keeping on increasing over the years by 42% between the rich people and the poor people. The people who are Beneficiaries from the wealth are about 2% but they are taking over the poor people lands and wealth. In a day the poor people realized how much they are being starving and torchured by the rich ones and they started this revolution.
The revolution located at midan al tahrir. A lot of people were injured. The country used strong water and Tear gas to keep the poor people away but it was getting worse. Poor people started to destroy anything they can reach and touch. Just to let everyone know that they don't want Hosni Mubarak they want him to leave the throne, but nobody from the rich people wanted that. So they send the Special Forces to keep them away but they didn't succeed, the Egyptian people were fighting for their dignity and they succeeded on 25 – January-2011 the revolution came to an end. Hosni Mubarak left the throne, and at this point the future of Egypt has been changed.

written by Student Nour Alsubaie

When the anger explodes!!

The Arabian world had been standing up side down lately , most of its' countries are falling apart , and no one really knows the truth , why it all started in the first place ?
The first move was taken by the Tunisians. When a young man Mohammad Alboazizi set himself on fire Protest from the suffering of injustice and oppression in his country. He died after 13 days , and he never knew that he will set his whole Arabian on fire too .as the Tunisians all remembered that most of them are living a poor life the revolution started . But in my opinion Tunisians had the right to start The demonstrations against their president Zain Al abideen . Because they were suffering from the way he ruled the country. The way he was treating them. So it started on the 17th of December 2010 when every resident in Tunisia went out calling for a new president to rule the country.

The government tried to calm down the conditions in Tunisia but they couldn't. So zain Al abideen expressed his opinion and he tried to calm down the conditions with some speeches. But people insisted to remove zain Al abideen off the country's structure .they didn't give up even though almost 250 people died in the demonstrations. When Al abideen realized there is no way for him to continue rolling the country. He ran away on 14th of January 2011 and first went to Paris but he had been rejected by them so he ended up in KSA. And that's when he Stepped down from the presidency, and that lead them to build a new government Under the chairmanship of mohamad Al ghanoshy , the conditions will stay as it is right now until the next elections after at least 6 months.
What happened in Tunisia pushed a lot of countries to start a lot of demonstrations against their president. In Egypt, Libya, Bahrain, Yemen, Morocco and Algeria. 

written by student Shoug Emad 


What's happening in our world today!?  The good people of Egypt did not want their president because of injustice and deprived of enjoyment of their land and eat their money and steal their land! What all this injustice and selfishness that is everyone thinking of himself and just becoming Governor is responsible before God for people and for their assigned and provide their own supplies.  Every day receive God is unjust, good always triumphs over evil ... Then Allah publish victory and joy in the hearts of the good people of Egypt to graduate their boss and his expulsion and tried to do. Yes that Allah unforgettable worship and also touched on this subject and Algeria, Libya, Sudan and Yemen and Bahrain all these brotherly staged demonstrations about their Government and some of them don't want their president.
I can't speak on this subject more because I'm just student  I see injustice, but I can't do anything to them only I can pray  for God to help them.

 Every one need something ask God and he will reply Insha'Allah.

written by Student Aliaa Larry

Friday 4 March 2011

Maria Alqebtia 25/26 of Feb. Celebrations

Maria Alqebtia High School celebrated for the second time Kuwait's national and liberation day. School teachers organised this event in a very traditional and modern way.

The students were part of the event and everybody enjoyed themselves wether by tasting Kuwaity traditional desserts or by drawing Kuwait Flag on their cheeks to express how happy they are and how greatfull we are to live on this beloved land.
here are some pictures of the event:

Kuwaity Sadou seatings with some traditional sweets.

Talented teacher and students creating piece of art.

Kuwait Flag every where

Never forget the cake!

Sunday 27 February 2011


Maria Alqebtia High school celebrated the national and liberation day at school


Saturday 26 February 2011

Im Proud To Be Kuwaiti

50 20 5

The French Departement of Maria Alqebtia High School created a beautiful patriot publicity board at school to celebrate the great event of our beloved country 50 years 20 years and 5 years:

Military Parade

The national and Liberation day military parade of the State of Kuwait in the presence of 15 Gulf, Arab and foreign countries led by his Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah:

Kuwait Legendary Towers

On the 25th. of february Kuwait celebrations continues with lots of surprises this time Kuwait Towers Laser and Fireworks Show as extraordinary, it was exceeded our expectations take a look:

Friday 25 February 2011

The Avenues Mall Wonders

Here are some photos at the avenues Mall were we discovered exhibitions about Kuwait...


Dean and Deluca also celebrated Kuwaits Liberation and national day in its own way Yummy!