Saturday, 16 April 2011

Maria Alqobtia Press team visit to Alqabas Newspaper

Maria Alqobtia Highschool journalism team went to AlQabas Newspaper and journalist Saadiah Mufareh was there and took us for a very interesting tour we thank her alot for her efforts.
our students interviewd several managers of different departements in arabic language:

Breakfast meeting at CrownPlaza

Anindita Dutta Roy (iearn USA) invited all journalists and teachers whom are involved in the journalism project to a morning meeting to discuss how to share and join the professional chat on  which has a great importance which is Elluminate program to communicate with other mepi and iearn members and share ideas and thoughts.

The American Embassy and Iearn at Maria Alqobtia High school

Ralph Falzone, Nesreen Hamimi (MEPI Abu Dhabi), Deborah Hart-Serafini(US Embassy Kuwait),Anindita Roy (iearn USA) , Kuwaiti journalist Amal AlRandy visited our school, and our school principal Mrs. Mona Haidar and the press team Mrs. Hanan Al-araj and students received them with joy..

The main purpose of this visit is to take a look at our latest updates and work towards the journalism project in Kuwaits High schools, during this visit Anindita Roy and Deborah Hart-Serafini asked few questions to the press team about the project and our press team were glad to answer back..

Mrs.Hanan Al-araj presented and navigated Maria Alqobtia newspaper blog, and one of our students presented one of her articles to the guests here are some photos of the visit: